Woman Warrior

She fought like a warrior.

She didn’t stop

until the fight in her finally drained

until her hands oozed with blood

until her body collapsed from all the pain.

She kept fighting

until she physically and mentally

couldn’t anymore.

She is a soldier

who fought her war.


Finding your strength.


Life can be messy,

and there will be days you

feel as though you have lost control.

You will feel broken rather than whole.

But those days do not define who you are.

You are in charge, so take your life

and change its course. Point it in

the direction you wish to see

and make your life what

you want it to be.


The monster in my head planted a seed

and it grew inside of me like weeds.

It fed off of me, fed off of my misery.

It created anxiety

that I’d never experienced before.

It attached itself to my mind

and it was there to stay.

It was my master

and I was the slave.

Dark Matter

I used to compare my mind

to dark matter.

It allowed no light, no energy

to radiate inside of it.

I used to imagine my mind

was as black as the night sky,

not a single star in sight.


But, I was wrong.

My mind could be a

radiant galaxy,

the moon, the sun,

anything I wanted it to be.